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رسالة من كندا

كتب بواسطة احنا كمان بنهزر يا ساويرس في 8:44 م

 رسالة وصلتنا على الايميل من الأستاذ أحمد أمين " مصري يعيش في كندا "
مختصر الرسالة 
هو أوضح في البداية ان الصفحة تقوم بعمل جيد ويشجعنا على الاستمرار
كما يقول ان الحملة بدأت في كندا وبدأ هو وأصدقاءه يقاطعون شركة ويند للاتصالات إحدى شركات نجيب ساويرس هناك
وهو يخبر الجميع هناك عن المقاطعة وأنه يطلب منهم أن يخبروا خدمة العملاء هناك عن السبب ... بحيث المديرين هناك يعرفوا الى بيحصل وسبب المقاطعة
وباعتلنا موقع وبيانات شركة ويند في اللينكات الى تحت "
Hay Guys.

Sorry that i am writing in english but i don't have an access to a computer with arabic keyboard for now.

I am egyptian living in Canada .... i have a message which i hope you can translate and post it in your wonderful page.

First of all, I want to tell you that you are doing a great job guy, Go on, may God bless you.

I have some good news which is that the boycott campaign had started here in Canada, we - me and some friends- are canceling our subscription with "Wind Mobile" which belongs to "Weather Investments company" (one of Naguib Sawiris companies".

I am advising everyone to do the same. Another important thing to do is to leave your feedback to the customer service and tell them the reason for this cancelling and that the mother company manager posted an insulting photos on this twitter account which is unacceptable for you. The importance of this feedback is that repeated complains from many customers are reported to the company's general manager and this is exactly the message we want to deliver.

God bless you and here is some resources :
1- "Wind mobile" web page :
2- WIND is a brand of Wind Telecomunicazione, an operating unit of Weather Investments : http://www.windmobile.ca/en/pages/aboutus.aspx

Go toour FB fan page